Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Commercial Property Services

Our Commercial Property Services are basically just a slightly scaled down version of our Residential White Glove Service. There is no video or DryerFlex hose offered during the service.  We still air-lift yours or your tenant’s dryer to prevent damage to dryer or property. Fresh slip-on shoe covers are used as well as the commercial grade HEPA vacuums. We also offer labeling to show tenants the service is being performed as either a value add or as part of a monthly maintenance charge they may already be paying. Again, at no additional charge. We also provide a certificate of cleaning on completion for the property to supply to your insurance adjuster. Depending on the company, this may also help recoup cost with lower insurance premiums.

Are you thinking, “Hey we have carpet cleaners or such that blow out our vents. Why do we need your service?” Well, think about it. First, they are not cleaning the actual dryer which is the place where the fire is starting. Second, if they say they are willing to clean the dryer, then what is the up charge? We might be in the same ballpark right then, plus we do it for a living and take pride in our service. We can also show you how to turn our service into an additional revenue stream for your property while decreasing the chance of property loss/lawsuits due to none cleaning. Remember, we remove as much lint as possible, bag it, and place it in your trash receptacles. Most of “those” guys are walking around with a gas lawn blower, leaving exhaust smell in the units and making a huge mess outside. Also, if the vent is not perfectly sealed before they try and blow it out, you guessed it, blow back into the tenant’s apartment. Talk about a mess and a ticked off tenant. I am guessing by now you see our point. Reach out and let us talk about how to create that additional revenue stream while making your property a safer community.

We also offer a scaled down version of our service when pricing is your biggest concern. We will still provide top quality service, but with less services. These are for situations where you do not want the liability of a tenants’ dryer, but want everything else cleaned as best as possible. Our Basic Commercial Cleaning is still much higher quality than those guys quoting basically a blow out service. Beware of any company stating they will clean from outside/in or mention compressed air or blowing in their service. There are so many different things that can go wrong with that style of practice from causing a huge mess to damaging the tenants’ dryer. That practice also doesn’t address the dirty transition hose (dryer connection hose) as they are not truly cleanable. Included in our Basic package is a new transition hose and pinch clamps. This is the type of hose you receive or buy when getting a new dryer. They are lower quality than our DryFlex hose, but the most common on the market and they are up to code. The dryer will be moved with Sliding caps to prevent damaging floor and the vent will be vacuumed out capturing all the lint and mold. We cover the Southern states and all calls are based on door count. Please reach out to us to put together an action plan that works best for you!
You can email us at Info@ClearflowDVC.com or call us at (813) 992-3569.